Teun Bastemeijer MSc
Position: Water Partner
Teun Bastemeijer is passionate about facilitating the sharing of knowledge and experience in informal settings and inspiring processes of strategic dialogue about water, land, environment and development. Champion of interdisciplinary and multi-sectoral approaches.
Facilitated or informed policy processes that involved private and public stakeholders, including communities, local authorities, river basin organisations, water operators, members of the CEO water mandate and civil society. Learned from experience that gender balanced and equal level multi-stakeholder involvement helps to find realistic, sustainable, innovative and ethically sound solutions, and –perhaps more importantly- build trust and engagement resulting in partnerships and networks that outlive single projects. Teun is a partner with the Water Partner Foundation. In October 2019, he also founded Wise Water Development, an emerging network and process aiming to build capacity and share information in support of water governance for climate resilience at wisewaterdevelopment.