The Global Water Partnership's vision is for a water secure world. Its mission is to support the sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels.
Multi stakeholder platform for ASEM Science and Technology Coperation on Sustainable Water use.
Your gateway to European water information.
The EUWI is based on a participative multi-stakeholder approach. Various strategic partnerships in specific regions draw together government, civil society, private sector and other stakeholders.
Public Impact BV is een hoogwaardig organisatieadviesbureau voor vraagstukken op het terrein van governance en de vernieuwing van de publieke sector.
Het Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) is een publiek-private netwerkorganisatie die optreedt als onafhankelijk coördinatie- en informatiepunt voor de Nederlandse watersector. Doel is het organiseren van een stevig Nederlands waternetwerk.
Minerva Wise Water Development advises local water and climate adaptation initiatives and promotes knowledge exchange between different types of stakeholders to enable them to acquire greater collective wisdom on water.
Nyenrode is the only private university in the Netherlands. The university offers graduate level programs in the fields of general management, accountancy and controlling.
Is a new formulation of the existing (since 1995) Euromediterranean Partnership, also known as the Barcelona Process. The act unites all EU members with several non-EU countries that border the Mediterranean Sea.
Waterland bundelt de bestaande waterinformatie in Nederland. Deze informatie wordt op een overzichtelijke manier gepresenteerd en toegankelijk gemaakt voor zowel professionals als voor het ‘brede publiek’.
Its mission is to promote awareness, build political commitment and trigger action on critical water issues at all levels, including the highest decision-making level, to facilitate the efficient management and use of water in all its dimensions and on an environmentally sustainable basis.
Consultants for Development Programs.