Book Publication: “Sustainable Development in the Jordan Valley"
By: Jeroen Kool, 2016
This book summarizes the NGO Master Plan that provides a comprehensive program to rehabilitate the Lower Jordan River and its tributaries in Jordan, Israel and Palestine. It is a regional an civil society effort designed to promote the restoration of the valley's environmental and ecological values within a realistic financial and economic framework. The plan identifies 127 specific regional and national interventions or projects until the year 2050, based on seven strategic planning objectives: pollution control, sustainable water management and river rehabilitation, sustainable agriculture, basin governance, ecological rehabilitation, sustainable tourism and cultural heritage development and urban and infrastructure development with a total investment value of 4.58 Billion USD.
This plan for the sustainable development in the Jordan Valley has been developed for EcoPeace Middle East, formally Friends of the Earth Middle Est (FoEME) in co-operation with the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and the Global Nature Fund (GNF) with finance from the EU Sustainable Water Integrated Management Program (SWIM) in the period from 2012 - 2015, This book has been published by Springer Publishers under the Hexogon Series on Human and Environmental Security and Peace, Volume 13 (ISSN 1865-5793)
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